CrossFit Age Group Semifinal Workouts for Masters Athletes: A Comprehensive List

The CrossFit Age Group Semifinals are a test of grit, determination, and fitness. Masters athletes who compete in the Semifinals are some of the fittest and most dedicated athletes in the world.
In this blog post, we will take a look at all of the CrossFit Age Group Semifinal workouts for masters athletes since 2022. Here are the workouts in detail.
If you are a masters athlete who is thinking about competing in the Semifinals, this blog post is for you.
Read on to learn more about these challenging workouts.
2022 Age Group Semifinals
Workout 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Row
- Bench Press
- Details: 500-m row, 30 bench presses at 185 lb, 1,000-m row, 20 bench presses, 2,000-m row, 10 bench presses. Time cap: 30 minutes.
Workout 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Legless Rope Climb
- Farmers Carry
- Box Jumps
- Details: 8 rounds of 1 legless rope climb, 6 farmers carries with two 32-kg kettlebells for 25-ft, and 15 box jumps on a 30-inch box. Time cap: 20 minutes.
Workout 3
- Type: AMRAP in 10 minutes
- Movements:
- Snatches
- Details: 10 snatches at 135 lb, 185 lb, 225 lb, and 245 lb, with 1-minute rest between each weight. Time cap: 10 minutes.
Workout 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- GHD Sit-ups
- Handstand Walks
- Bar Muscle-ups
- Details: 50 GHD sit-ups, 8 handstand walks for 25-ft, 50 GHD sit-ups, 8 handstand walks, max-rep bar muscle-ups in remaining time. Time cap: 12 minutes.
Workout 5 & 6
- Type: EMOM & 1RM
- Movements:
- Wall-Ball Shots
- Clean and Jerk
- Details: Starting every 2 minutes, perform 25 wall-ball shots to 11ft target, adding 5 reps after each 2-minute interval. After the final interval, perform a 1-rep-max clean and jerk. Time cap for clean and jerk: 5 minutes.
2023 Age Group Semifinals
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Row
- Double-Unders
- Shuttle Runs
- Details: 1,000-m row, 100 double-unders, 20 shuttle runs, 750-m row, 75 double-unders, 15 shuttle runs, 500-m row, 50 double-unders, 10 shuttle runs, 250-m row, 25 double-unders, 5 shuttle runs. Time cap: 25 minutes.
- Type: Max Reps in 3 minutes
- Movements:
- Snatches
- Details: Immediately following Test 1A, complete as many snatches as possible in 3 minutes. Weights: 185 lb. (45+) Time cap: 3 minutes.
- Type: AMRAP in 5 minutes
- Movements:
- Thrusters
- Muscle-ups
- Details: Complete as many reps as possible of thrusters and muscle-ups. Weights: 135 lb for thrusters. Minimums: 15 thrusters and 15 muscle-ups. Time cap: 5 minutes.
- Type: Intervals
- Movements:
- Deadlifts
- Cleans
- Shoulder-to-Overheads
- Details: 5 intervals of 2 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest. Each interval consists of 7 deadlifts, 5 cleans, and 3 shoulder-to-overheads. Weights: 155 lb. (45+).
- Type: Max Time
- Movements:
- Freestanding Handstand Hold
- Details: After the final 1-minute rest in Test 3A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish a max freestanding handstand hold. Time cap: 5 minutes.
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Burpee Box Jump-Overs
- Kettlebell Box Step-Ups
- Rope Climbs
- Kettlebell Goblet Squats
- Legless Rope Climbs
- Details: 20 burpee box jump-overs, 2 rounds of 20 kettlebell box step-ups and 2 rope climbs, 2 rounds of 20 kettlebell goblet squats and 2 legless rope climbs, and then 20 burpee box jump-overs. Weights: 70-lb kettlebell, 20-inch box, 15-foot rope climb. Time cap: 15 minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the CrossFit Age Group Semifinals?
How are the workouts structured?
What should I know before competing in the CrossFit Semifinals?
How can I prepare for these challenging workouts?