CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifier & Quarterfinal Workouts for Masters Athletes: A Comprehensive List

The CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifier (AOOQ) and Quarterfinals (AOOQ) are a series of workouts that masters athletes can compete in to qualify for the CrossFit Games. The workouts are designed to test a wide range of fitness attributes, including strength, endurance, and skill.
The current AOOQ is a two-stage competition. In the first stage, athletes complete five workouts online. The top finishers in each age division advance to the quarterfinals. In the quarterfinals, athletes complete three workouts. The top finishers in each age division advance to the CrossFit Games.
This blog post provides a comprehensive list of all the CrossFit AOOQ and AOOQ workouts for masters athletes since 2014. The list includes the following information for each workout:
Workout name
I hope this blog post is helpful for masters athletes who are interested in competing in the CrossFit AOOQ and AOOQ.
Good luck!
2014 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: 1-rep-max
- Movements:
- Clean
- Details: Establish a 1-rep-max clean
Workout 2: Amanda
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Muscle-ups
- Squat Snatches
- Details: 9-7-5 reps for time of Muscle-ups and 135-lb. squat snatches
Workout 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Calorie Row
- Handstand Push-Ups
- Double-Unders
- Details: 3 rounds for time of 50-calorie row, 15 handstand push-ups, and 50 double-unders
Workout 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Pull-Ups
- Wall-Ball Shots
- Details: For time, complete 100 pull-ups and 100 wall-ball shots (20 lb. to a 10-foot target)
2015 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: AMRAP in 5 minutes
- Movements:
- Muscle-Ups
- Cleans
- Details: Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of 5 muscle-ups and 10 cleans (Men use 155 lb., Women use 105 lb.)
Workout 2
- Type: 1-rep-max Snatch
- Movements:
- Snatch
- Details: 1-rep-max snatch, no time cap
Workout 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Row
- Thrusters
- Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Details: 2 rounds for time of 1,000-meter row, 50 thrusters, and 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups (Men use 65 lb., Women use 45 lb.)
Workout 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Deadlifts
- Box Jumps
- Handstand Push-Ups
- Details: 21-15-9 reps for time of deadlifts, box jumps, and handstand push-ups (Men use 225 lb. and 24-inch box, Women use 155 lb. and 20-inch box)
2017 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Dumbbell Snatches
- Calorie Row, Burpees
- Muscle-Ups
- Details: Complete 100 dumbbell snatches (50 lb.), 80-calorie row, 60 burpees, and 40 muscle-ups. Time cap: 20 minutes
Workout 2
- Type: AMRAP with Time Extensions
- Movements:
- Toes-to-Bars
- Double-Unders
- Squat Cleans
- Details: Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of 25 toes-to-bars, 50 double-unders, and 15 squat cleans (135 lb.). If completed before each 4-minute increment, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to the next set of movements with increased weight for squat cleans. Stop at 20 minutes.
Workout 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Shoulder-to-Overheads
- Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Details: 21-15-9 reps for time of shoulder-to-overheads (135 lb.) and chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Workout 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Deadlifts
- Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
- Front Squats
- Details: 2 rounds for time of 10 deadlifts (315 lb.), 20 deficit handstand push-ups (4.5-in. deficit), and 30 front squats (95 lb.).
2018 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements: Thrusters, Rope Ascents
- Details: Complete 4 thrusters, 1 15-ft. rope ascent, 8 thrusters, 2 15-ft. rope ascents, 12 thrusters, 3 15-ft. rope ascents. Men use 135 lb. Time cap: 10 minutes
Workout 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Cleans
- Details: 4 rounds for time of 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups and 5 cleans. Men clean 245 lb. Time cap: 15 minutes
Workout 3
- Type: AMRAP
- Movements: Wall-Ball Shots, Double-Unders, Handstand Walk, Calorie Row
- Details: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 50 wall-ball shots, 100 double-unders, 50-ft. handstand walk, 100 double-unders, 50-cal. row, 100 double-unders, 50-ft. handstand walk, 100 double-unders. Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Workout 4
- Type: AMRAP
- Movements: Handstand Push-Ups, Burpees, Snatches
- Details: Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of 9 handstand push-ups, 6 burpees, 3 snatches. Men snatch 165 lb.
2019 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Deadlifts
- Overhead Squats
- Double-Unders
- Details: 3 rounds for time of 15 deadlifts (225 lb.), 35 overhead squats (75 lb.), and 90 double-unders. Time cap: 15 minutes
Workout 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Bar-Facing Burpees
- Row
- Details: For time, complete 80 bar-facing burpees and a 4,000-meter row. Time cap: 30 minutes
Workout 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Muscle-Ups
- Shoulder-to-Overheads
- Details: 5 rounds of 4 muscle-ups and 13 shoulder-to-overheads (135 lb.), then increase the weight for 5 more rounds of 4 muscle-ups and 7 shoulder-to-overheads (185 lb.). Time cap: 15 minutes
Workout 4
- Type: AMRAP
- Movements:
- Thrusters
- Toes-to-Bars
- Cleans
- Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Details: Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of 45 thrusters (95 lb.), 45 toes-to-bars, 45 cleans (95 lb.), 45 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Workout 5
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Snatches
- Strict Handstand Push-Ups
- Details: For time, complete 30 snatches (135 lb.) and 30 strict handstand push-ups. Time cap: 6 minutes
2020 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: AMRAP
- Movements:
- Thrusters
- Double-Unders
- Details: Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of 8 thrusters (115 lb.) and 50 double-unders.
Workout 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Overhead Squats
- Details: For time, complete 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups and 10 overhead squats at 95 lb., 135 lb., 185 lb., and 225 lb. Time cap: 15 minutes.
Workout 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
- Calorie Row
- Bar-Facing Burpees
- Details: For time, complete 100 alternating dumbbell snatches (50 lb.), 50-cal. row, and 100 bar-facing burpees. Time cap: 20 minutes.
Workout 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Bar Muscle-Ups
- Toes-to-Bars
- Details: 3 rounds for time of 9 bar muscle-ups and 18 toes-to-bars. Time cap: 12 minutes.
Workout 5
- Type: 1-Rep-Max
- Movements:
- Clean and Jerk
- Details: 1-rep-max clean and jerk. No time cap.
Workout 6
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Deadlifts
- Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
- Front Squats
- Details: 2 rounds for time of 10 deadlifts (315 lb.), 20 deficit handstand push-ups (4.5-inch deficit), and 30 front squats (95 lb.). Time cap: 20 minutes.
2021 Age Group Quarterfinals Workouts
Test 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Handstand Push-Ups
- Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overheads
- Calorie Row
- Details: 5 rounds for time of 15 handstand push-ups, 15 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads, and 15-calorie row. Use 50-lb. dumbbells. Time cap: 20 minutes.
Test 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- GHD Sit-Ups
- Rope Climbs
- Alternating Single-Leg Squats
- Details: For time, perform 60 GHD sit-ups, 6 rope climbs (15 ft.), 60 alternating single-leg squats, then 50 GHD sit-ups, 5 rope climbs, 50 alternating single-leg squats, and so on. Time cap: 20 minutes.
Test 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Cleans
- Double-Unders
- Details: For time, perform 75 cleans at 135 lb. and 300 double-unders. Time cap: 15 minutes.
Test 4
- Type: For Max Load
- Movements:
- Front Squat
- Details: Establish a 4-rep-max front squat. Time frame: 20 minutes.
Test 5
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Overhead Squat
- Burpee Box Jump-Over
- Details: For time, perform 12-9-6 reps of overhead squats and burpee box jump-overs. Use a 165 lb. barbell and a 30-inch box. Time cap: 10 minutes.
2023 Age Group Quarterfinals Workouts
Workout 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Toes-to-Bars,
- Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
- Details: 3 rounds for time of 20 toes-to-bars and 20 alternating dumbbell snatches with a 70-lb (32.5-kg) dumbbell. Time cap: 10 minutes.
Workout 2
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Overhead Squats
- Bar-Facing Burpees
- Back-Rack Walking Lunges
- Cleans
- Single-Leg Squats
- Muscle-Ups
- Details: For time, complete 50 overhead squats, 40 bar-facing burpees, 40 back-rack walking lunges, 30 bar-facing burpees, 30 cleans, 20 bar-facing burpees, 20 single-leg squats, and 10 muscle-ups using a 95-lb (43-kg) barbell. Time cap: 20 minutes.
Workout 3
- Type: AMRAP
- Movements:
- Rope Climbs
- Shuttle Runs
- Details: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of 1 rope climb, 2 shuttle runs, 2 rope climbs, 4 shuttle runs, 3 rope climbs, 6 shuttle runs, etc. 15-ft rope climbs and 50-ft shuttle runs.
Workout 4
- Type: For Total Load
- Movements:
- Back Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Details: For total load, complete 1 back squat, 1 press, and 1 deadlift. Time cap: 30 minutes.
Workout 5
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Handstand Push-Ups
- Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overheads
- Calorie Row
- Details: 5 rounds for time of 15 handstand push-ups, 15 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads, and 15-cal. row using 50-lb. dumbbells. Time cap: 20 minutes.
2023 Age Group Quarterfinals Workouts
Test 1
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Dumbbell Walking Lunges
- Toes-to-Bars, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Bar Muscle-Ups
- Details: All for time, starting with 3 rounds of 2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (hang position) and 20 toes-to-bars. Followed by 2 rounds of 2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (rack position) and 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups. Ending with 2 x 25-ft dumbbell walking lunge (overhead position) and 10 bar muscle-ups. Dumbbell weights vary by age group.
Test 2A
- Type: 10-minute AMRAP
- Movements:
- Chest-to-Wall Handstand Push-Ups
- GHD Sit-Ups
- Box Jumps
- Details: 6 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups, 9 GHD sit-ups, 12 box jumps. Box height and handstand push-up variations vary by age group.
Test 2B
- Type: 1-rep-max
- Movements:
- Clean
- Details: Immediately following Test 2A, athletes have 5 minutes to establish a 1-rep-max clean.
Test 3
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Shuttle Runs
- Rope Climbs
- Bench Presses
- Details: 50 shuttle runs, 7 rope climbs, 25 bench presses, 7 rope climbs, 50 shuttle runs. Bench press weight is 125 lb for women and 185 lb for men.
Test 4
- Type: For Time
- Movements:
- Row Calories
- Thrusters
- Details: 27-21-15-9 reps for time of rowing calories and thrusters. Thruster weight varies by age group. Time cap: 15 minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the CrossFit AOOQ and AOOQ?
How are the workouts structured in the AOOQ and AOOQ?
What types of workouts can I expect in the AOOQ and AOOQ?
How can I prepare for the AOOQ and AOOQ?